<entry excluding="tmva|roofit|README|man|macros|icons|fonts|etc|documentation|doc|interpreter|config|cmake|builtins|build|bindings" flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="sourcePath" name=""/>
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
The CDT is Eclipse's C/C++ Development Tooling project.
- Eclipse Helios (3.6) - previous (June 2010)
- Eclipse CDT - C/C++ Development Tools (7.0)
- Eclipse Indigo (3.7) - current (June 2011)
- Eclipse CDT - C/C++ Development Tools (8.0)
- Eclipse Juno (4.2) - planned (June 2012)
- Eclipse CDT - C/C++ Development Tools (9.0)
- Stiahnuty eclipse tarball subor extrahovat do potrebnej directory, bud do user home dir, alebo skor do dir nezavislej od user-a /opt
$ su - $ tar -xzf eclipse-cpp-indigo-*-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt/ $ chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse/ $ chown -R root:root /opt/eclipse/
- Aplikaciu pridame do menu vytvorenim suboru /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Eclipse Comment=Eclipse IDE Exec=/opt/eclipse/eclipse # Exec=env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark /opt/eclipse/eclipse Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE; StartupNotify=true
- V pripade ak instalujem Eclipse do nie user home dir, tak bug-om - bug 249133 vsetky linky z Available Software Sites (odkial sa potom instaluju pluginy, updates)
su nepristupne/neviditelne. V pripade ak je nainstalovany v user home dir tak linky su pristupne. Preto si docasne Eclipse nainstalujem (jednoducho rozpakujem tarball) do home dir. Spustim ho z home dir (~/eclipse/eclipse
). Linky su teraz pristupne. Window -> Preferences => Install/Update -> Available Software Sites oznacim vsetky Location a exportujem do suboru bookmarks.xml. Mazem docasne nainstalovany Eclipse z home dir, a spustam ho z user-a nezavislej dir (/opt/eclipse/eclipse
). Importujem nedavno vytvoreny subor bookmarks.xml. Update: po nainstalovani akehokolvek plugin-a (pomocou Eclipse mechanizmu Help -> Install New Software) sa linky, ktore boli pred tym nepristupne/neviditelne, automaticky spristupnia, t.j. nic z vyssie uvedeneho uz nie je potrebne robit.
- Eclipse CDT je nainstalovany nezavisle od user-a (cista distribucia), vsetky potrebne subory (pluginy a pod.) sa budu ukladat v home dir ~/.eclipse
- Stale je tu moznost instalacie priamo z Fedora repository
$ yum install eclipse-cdt
- Pre spustenie Eclipse je potrebne Java runtime environment (JRE)
- Oracle-Java JRE odporucana Eclipse Foundation, avsak s Fedorou
problemEclipse CDT indexer crashes in Fedora 14, pretojebolo potrebne v subore /opt/eclipse/eclipse.ini pridat tento riadok:-XX:-UseCompressedOops
- OpenJDK-Java podporovana, udajne sa vsak mozu vyskytnut problemy, na Fedore sa zda byt vsetko v poriadku
- GCJ-Java neodporucana Eclipse Foundation
- Oracle-Java JRE odporucana Eclipse Foundation, avsak s Fedorou
Eclipse and ROOT
simple CERN ROOT project
- Jednoduchy priklad, ktory ukazuje ako v Eclipse pracovat (editacia, kompilacia, ...) napr. so suborom $ROOTSYS/test/hworld.cxx
- Najprv musim vytvorit novy projekt File -> New -> C++ Project => Executable -> Empty Project (pripadne Hello World C++ Project). V polozke Project Name zadam meno, napr. test, nastavim Location, kde sa budu vsetky subory projektu ukladat. V polozke Select Configuration staci vybrat len Release
- V existujucom projekte mozem bud vytvorit novy subor, alebo jednoducho importujem uz existujuci subor(y). File -> Import => General -> File System vyberiem dir, kde sa nachadza nas testovy subor hworld.cxx a oznacim len tento jeden subor na importovanie
- Subor/program hworld.cxx sa kompiluje (a linkuje) nasledovne
g++ -I$ROOTSYS/include -L/cern/root/lib -lCore -lCint -lRIO -lHist -lGraf -lGpad -lMatrix -lMathCore -lThread -o hworld.exe $ROOTSYS/test/hworld.cxx
- alebo pomocou
g++ -c $ROOTSYS/test/hworld.cxx `root-config --cflags` g++ -o hworld.exe hworld.o `root-config --glibs`
- V Eclipse je potrebne nastavit kompilator a linker pre spolupracu s ROOT framework-om. Project -> Properties, resp. vyberieme nas (test) projekt v okne Project Explorer a stlacime Template:KeyPress, dalej:
- C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous | Other flags pridat
$(shell root-config --cflags)
- C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Linker -> Miscellaneous | Linker flags pridat
$(shell root-config --glibs)
- C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings jednotlive premenne, napr. Inlcude paths (-I), Libraries (-l), Library path (-L), atd mozem nastavit aj manualne, t.j. kompilovat bez utility
- C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous | Other flags pridat
- Pre spravne fungovanie C/C++ Indexer (v Eclipse sa spusta Run C/C++ Code Analysis)
- C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C++ | Include directories pridat
- C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C++ | Include directories pridat
- V pripade, ak nastavim napr. premennu Inlcude paths (-I) v C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler manualne, tak Eclipse si ju automaticky dopise aj do C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C++ a naopak, to iste plati aj aj pre ostatne premenne
- Project -> Build All ( Template:KeyPress ) vytvorime projekt (Eclipse vytvori potrebny Makefile), ktory sa nasledovne aj skompiluje, alebo projekt priamo spustime Run -> Run ( Template:KeyPress )
project STRELA
- Priklad kedy uz kod existuje, zdrojove subory projektu STRELA sa nachadzaju v GitHub repository
- Vytvorenie projektu zo suborov, ktore su
- na lokalnom disku.
File -> Import => C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project (alebo File -> New -> Makefile Project with Existing Code). V polozke Existing Code Location vyberiem directory, kde sa nachadzaju zdrojove subory (vratane Makefile). Nastavim C++ ako Languages a Linux GCC ako Toolchain for Indexer Settings - v GitHub repository. Potrebne nainstalovat EGit plugin pre podporu Git (analogicky mozno pouzit aj SVN, resp. CVS)
File -> Import => Git -> Projects from Git. Najprv si vytvorim Git Repository kliknutim na Clone, v polozke Location nastavim URI projektugit://
. Vyberiem potrebny branch (master) a cestu, kde sa projekt naklonuje. Teraz si uz mozem vyberat prave naklonovany Git Repository. V Wizard for project import vyberam Use the New Projects Wizard a postupujem analogicky ako v pripade, ked su subory na lokalnom disku.
- na lokalnom disku.
- Kedze uz pouzivam existujuci Makefile, tak v C/C++ Build -> Settings nie je potrebne (a ani nie je mozne) nic nastavovat, aj samotne polozky v menu su uz odlisne ako napr. v pripade simple ROOT project (Empty Project)
- C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C++ | Include directories pridat
- C/C++ Build -> Behaviour v polozke Clean nastavit distclean, resp. pozriet do Makefile projektu STRELA, mozno taktiez nastavit potrebnu hodnotu Use parallel jobs
- C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Source Location kliknutim na Edit Filter mozem priamo nastavit Source Folder Exclusion Patterns, pre STRELA projekt napr.: tmp, lib, sql. Kedykolvek neskor mozem presne to iste urobit v okne Project Explorer, kliknutim myskou na potrebnu directory a nasledovne Resource Configurations -> Exclude From Build
GTK Theme
~/.gtkrc-2.0 spolocny pre vsetky progrmay, ktore vyuzivaju GTK2 theme (Firefox, Chrome, LibreOffice, Eclipse ...)
style "eclipse-simple" { font_name = "Sans 9" } class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse-simple"
$ GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:~/.gtkrc-eclipse-simple /opt/eclipse/eclipse $ GTK2_RC_FILES=~/.gtkrc-eclipse-simple /opt/eclipse/eclipse
create launcher
env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:~/.gtkrc-eclipse-simple '/opt/eclipse/eclipse'
Eclipse CSS
.MPartStack {font-size: 11;swt-simple: false; swt-mru-visible: false; }
- Preferences su workspace specificke, t.j. ak vytvorim iny workspace, tak nastavenia sa zmenia, moznost Import/Export vsetkych (vratane plugin-ovskych) nastaveni: File -> Import/Export => General -> Preferences
- Restore Defaults v preferences okne sa vztahuje ku konkretnemu typu nastavenia (len pre konkretne okno) a nie pre vsetky nastavenia
- General
- Appearance -> Label Decorations
- C/C++ Indexed Files - zapnut
- Compare/Patch | Text Compare
- Connect ranges with single line - lepsie asi vypnut
- Editors -> Text Editors
- Insert spaces for tabs - neskor aj tak bude prepisane nastaveniami profilu (Tab policy: Spaces only)
- Show print margin - zapnut a nastavit Print margin column na 120
- Show line numbers - lepsie asi zapnut
- C/C++ Code style/format
- Editors -> Text Editors -> Quick Diff
- Show differences in overview ruler - zapnut
- Use this reference source - podla potreby Version on Disk pripadne A Git Revision
- Editors -> Text Editors -> Spelling
- Enable spell checking - vypnut
- Workspace
- Build automatically - pri vacsich projektoch lepsie asi vypnut
- C/C++
- Code Style
- Code Style -> Code Templates
- Editor -> Folding
- Enable folding when opening a new editor - zlucovanie/zoskupovanie macros/functions a pod. v editore zdrojoveho kodu
- Header Comments - vypnut
- Editor -> Templates
wget wget # replace all "=" by "\=" sed 's/=/\\=/g' profile_AliRoot.xml > profile_AliRoot.tmp # replace all 'end of line' by "\n" sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' profile_AliRoot.tmp # append "...formatterprofiles" echo "org.eclipse.cdt.ui/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.formatterprofiles="`cat profile_AliRoot.tmp` > profile_AliRoot.tmp # insert 'profile_AliRoot.tmp' file in 'eclipse_custom.ini' file (after "formatter_profile" word) sed -i '/formatter_profile/ r profile_AliRoot.tmp' eclipse_custom.ini
now start eclipse
$ eclipse -plugincustomization /opt/eclipse/eclipse_custom.ini
or add to eclipse.ini file
-Declipse.pluginCustomization=/opt/eclipse/eclipse_custom.ini -showlocation
C/C++ Code style/format
It is now possible to format source code without starting the Eclipse UI using the new headless formatter application. The command line formatter works as a standard Eclipse application. The following command will format the source files in the folder src with the options specified in the org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs file:
eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.core.CodeFormatter -consoleLog \ -verbose -config .settings/org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs src/
Format ( Template:KeyPress ) zdrojoveho kodu je podstatny zasah da struktury textu, hrubo povedane sa upravuje "slovo za slovom" podla prednastavenych pravidiel. Correct Indentation ( Template:KeyPress ) v podstate iba zarovnava/osadzuje kazdy riadok zdrojoveho kodu, takisto podla prednastavenych pravidiel, ale zmeny v kode uz nie su na tolko rozsiahle.
Eclipse ma uz vstavany vlastny Code Style s roznymi profilmi (K&R, GNU, ...), avsak ten zasadne moze menit formu, strukturu zdrojoveho kodu. Aby sa priblizit k ROOT C++ Coding Conventions, resp. AliRoot Coding Conventions bolo by potrebne takyto profil zasadne zmenit, resp. ho vypnut, co vsak nie je (asi) mozne, preto potrebna zamena na Astyle Eclipse C/C++ formatter. Treba vsak priznat, ze ROOT C++ Coding Conventions pouziva znacne nestandardne formatovanie, vela C++ projektov (napr. Google C++ Style Guide alebo Geant 4) pouziva formatovanie, ktore ma podstatne blizsie k Eclipse Code Style - K&R profile.
- Eclipse Code Style (K&R built-in profile)
- + : silny nastroj, detailne nastavenia roznych moznosti, je sucastou samotneho Eclipse
- - : moze zasadne zmenit formatovanie zdrojoveho kodu (ak je v nesulade s vybranym profilom), nemoznost nastavenia ROOT C++ Coding Conventions
- Astyle Eclipse C/C++ formatter
- + : nerobi zasadne zmeny pri formatovani kodu, moznost nastavenia v sulade s ROOT C++ Coding Conventions
- - : nevyvija sa uz dalej (posledna verzia z 2006 roka), a s tym je aj spojene, ze plugin pouziva stary astyle 1.14.1 engine
- - : stale sa bude pouzivat Correct Indentation, ktory je spojeny s editorom (built-in Eclipse), a ten je spojeny s built-in Code Style (K&R)
Pravdepodobne docasne pouzivat Astyle Eclipse C/C++ formatter a postupne prejst na standardizovany, moderny Eclipse Code Style - K&R profile
Indigo CDT Code Style: K&R [AliRoot] screenshots
Vychadzame z K&R [built-in] profilu, kedze ho budeme menit, musime si vytvorit svoj vlastny profil K&R [mucha]. Na zarovnavanie maju vplyv nastavenia v tychto polozkach:
- Indentation
Tab policy: Spaces only Indentation size: 2 Tab Size: 4
- all other items default, except Statements within 'switch' body and Declarations within 'namespace' definition set as check
- Braces
- default (all Brace positions set as Same line)
- New Lines
- default
- Line Wrapping
Maximum line width: 120 (does not affect on indent) Default indentation for wrapped lines: 2 Default indentation for initializer lists: 2 Never join already wrapped lines uncheck
- items with Default indentation change Indentation policy to Indent on column
- Default indentation ⇒ Indent on column
- Expressions (6 items) - do not to change, except Initializer list set Indent by one
- items with Default indentation change Indentation policy to Indent on column
Eclipse Code Style (K&R built-in profile)
- Control Statements
- in 'if else' section all items set as check
- Comments
- Preserve white space between code and line comments if possible set check
Astyle Eclipse
Astyle Eclipse is based on Astyle program, it aims to provide a C/C++ formatter for CDT plugin in eclipse, so all the supported format optional shall check astyle.
- Nema zmysel dalej pouzivat, vystaci len Eclipse Indentation, ktore je aj tak nezavisle od Astyle formatovania
- Manualna instalacia (pre vsetkych uzivatelov)
$ su - $ wget $ unzip -x astyleclipse*.zip -d /opt/eclipse/
- Pomocou Eclipse mechanizmu Help -> Install New Software pridame repository s Location
. Plugin sa nainstaluje do user home dir ~/.eclipse/plugins/
- Astyle Eclipse plugin pouziva zastaralu verziu astyle 1.14.1 z roku 2006
- dnes tuto verziu uz ani nemozno skompilovat, najblizsia kompilovatelna verzia (Fedora 14) je astyle_1.22_linux.tar.gz
- nastastie manualy na tuto staru verziu astyle su este na webe Artistic Style 1.14.1 alebo man astyle 1.14.1
- subor ~/.astylerc zo stranky ROOT C++ Coding Conventions je funkcny pre verziu astyle_1.24_linux.tar.gz
- Potreba zosuladenia Eclipse Indentation (Eclipse editor + Code Style [K&R]) a Astyle formatovania.
- ~/.astylerc
--indent=spaces=2 --one-line=keep-statements --one-line=keep-blocks
- in
- Local Terminal (Incubation) 0.2.300.201307231220 (general purpose tool)
- AnyEdit - AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor toolbar. AnyEdit contributes also Import/Export working sets wizards
Jindent - Jindent is a powerful source code formatter for Java, C and C++ (heavy and ugly)EditBox - Eclipse plugin for highlighting the background of the source code (works with Java code)- Eclipse Color Themes - Fresh up your Eclipse with super-awesome color themes!
- Columns4Eclipse - Columns Plug-in for Eclipse defines the concept of 'Column' and some functions of this editable component. Functions such as copy, paste, cut, fill, lowercase, uppercase, search and replace are provided.
- cppcheclipse - cppcheclipse is an Eclipse plugin which integrates cppcheck with the CDT project.
- Linux Tools Project - The Linux Tools project aims to bring a full-featured C and C++ IDE to Linux developers
- CMake Editor - The CMake Editor is a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE
new (temp)
wget wget wget
disable scrollbar overlay
ano takto funguje, scroll bar uz "nemizne", ale pre vsetky scroll bars, a idealne by bolo len pre hlavny vertikalny, tak ako to funguje v dark theme
V pincipe je to otazka systemu (Fedora/GNOME) a nie samotneho eclipse
a pre "Dark" themu (preferences->appearance->theme: dark) su nastavenie v subore
napr. tu
swt-scrollbar-width: 24px;